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Фото: собака с длинным носом стала звездой интернета - КАПИТАЛ 22
Сб. Окт 19th, 2024

Фото: собака с длинным носом стала звездой интернета

Очаровательная русская борзая по кличке Эрис обзавелась тысячами фанатов в соцсетях.


27-летняя американка Лили Камбурян ведет в инстаграме блог, посвященный ее питомцу — русской борзой по кличке Эрис. Хозяйка дала собаке довольно необычное имя в честь греческой богини раздоров.

Девушка приютила щенка 2 года назад. И за это время нос Эрис вырос до 31 сантиметра.

«Длинный нос Эрис — одно сплошное достоинство. Она прекрасно просовывает его в узкие щели между диванами, заборами и даже между обедающими за столом людьми. Ей всегда удается доставать отовсюду свои игрушки и вообще до всего дотягиваться. Дома к ней в шутку обращаются «Мадам Эрис Овербайт, Королева Носов», — рассказывает хозяйка.

Длина тела Эрис от кончика носа до кончика хвоста — 144 сантиметра. Собака с необычной внешностью, конечно же, вызывала интерес у окружающих, так что Эрис и Лили приходится выбирать менее людные места для прогулок. Зато это натолкнуло девушку на мысль завести собаке аккаунт в инстаграме. Сейчас там более 190 тысяч подписчиков.

Лили уверена, что у Эрис самая длинная морда в мире, но не уверена, как это правильно измерять. После окончания карантина девушка намерена связаться с представителями Книги рекордов Гиннесса, чтобы те зафиксировали результат.





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The sun dances through every feather of this sweet pup’s neckfluff and Eris is making a face that is just hurrying me outside to play. ⠀ ⠀ Best wishes to everybody right now, and if any of y’all need somebody to vent to or talk to, our DMs are always open. Stay safe!⠀ ⠀ Love Always-

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 3 Июн 2020 в 3:44 PDT




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All the little flowers are in bloom and I’m in love with the late spring- I think Eris is too. 🥰

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 29 Май 2020 в 3:46 PDT




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Eris choosing (definitely not stealing) her birthday cookie after playing with her BFF for a good while! Thank you @buzz_and_clarice for the lovely play date and cookies! 🥰 Eris really enjoyed her (slightly late) birthday celebration, and it was a perfect way to spend a day. 😊

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 25 Май 2020 в 8:46 PDT




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The best snuggles happen when Eris rests her entire head directly on you, she’s just so warm and fluffy and giant and sweet. 🥰

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 13 Май 2020 в 4:29 PDT




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This snooterday picture is actually from a few months ago, as I’m reminiscing a bit on the year- given that we’re now about 3 weeks out from Eris’s birthday! The last 12 months have been some of the best, and I’m so happy for all of the wonderful people around me both online and off… A huge thank you to all of the folk who regularly share their kindness in the comments here, for all the pup pages that others keep up with on IG, and for everybody who goes out of their way to message us. It’s been a ton of fun watching Eris grow up together, and I can’t wait to see what the next year brings. ❤️

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 26 Апр 2020 в 7:22 PDT




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Watching the world wake up for spring and listening to the sounds of the early morning songbirds, keeping our morning routine as normal as possible through this very unique time of our lives. What little things are you doing that make you smile?

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 24 Мар 2020 в 3:51 PDT




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“Human, do you see that? -Eris, looking at a leaf SHE dragged into the house with her beautiful fluffy tail. We have a very narrow window of time where us humans can retrieve said leafs and get them back outside before Eris decides that they are now subjects of her domain and must be placed on the couch and crunched into tiny impossible to clean bits. Truly, she is a just monarch. : : : ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #dailyfluff #floof #weirddog #snoot #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #happydog #dogsofig #smilingdog #happiness #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 23 Фев 2020 в 6:06 PST




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Christmas has come a little bit early for Madam Eris, as she opened a present from @thesleepingramen and has been squeaking it around and making all sorts of faces. 😂 . . A very merry Christmas Eve to all who are celebrating, and we hope everybody is having a great week so far! . . ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #dailyfluff #floof #weirddog #snoot #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #happydog #dogsofig #smilingdog #happiness #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 24 Дек 2019 в 5:09 PST




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“No take, only throw.” — A sentiment sometimes shared by many dogs, big and small. Eris is trying to decide if she would rather run after it again, or take off in a full sprint running laps around the yard in hopes I chase. Such a sweet lady. 😂 ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #dailyfluff #floof #weirddog #snoot #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #happydog #dogsofig #boopmynose #happiness #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 30 Ноя 2019 в 7:13 PST




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When you’re playing fetch and you don’t really want to let go of the toy. Eris trying to figure out if there’s a way I can throw it without her giving. 😅 ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #dailyfluff #floof #weirddog #snoot #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #happydog #dogsofig #smilingdog #happiness #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 2 Ноя 2019 в 7:48 PDT




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A very snoot. Eris sometimes sleeps with her eyes just a little bit open, which looks so strange. We’re not always 100% sure she’s actually asleep. Hope everybody has a restful Sunday! ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #dailyfluff #floof #weirddog #snoot #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #naptime #dogsofig #sleepy #boopmynose #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 29 Сен 2019 в 6:47 PDT




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#snooterday surprise! Eris let us sleep in all the way till 8!!! Hope everybody is having a lovely weekend. — @daisy_thesaluki asked yesterday how many kisses can fit along her snoot and we’ve tried and we’ve tried and we can’t get from on side to the other. New record is 19 before she gets bored, and that goes from her nose to right about between her eyes. So. Close. ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #dailyfluff #floof #weirddog #snoot #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #happydog #dogsofig #smilingdog #happiness #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 14 Сен 2019 в 5:22 PDT




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Historically, almost all of our pictures of Eris catching something feature her missing by a solid 2-3 feet. Her Snoot-Eye coordination is definitely improving! 😊😂 . . ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #borzoisofinstagram #floof #weirddog #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #happydog #dogsofig #smilingdog #happiness #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog #snoot ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 25 Авг 2019 в 5:01 PDT




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Eris waiting for her very best friend (@buzz_and_clarice) to come and play. It’s been a little while since she’s been over, but the play date is in only a few short hours. 😊 ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #borzoisofinstagram #floof #weirddog #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #happydog #dogsofig #smilingdog #happiness #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog #snoot ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 12 Авг 2019 в 4:30 PDT




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Happy #snooterday from our long lady to you! We’re all a little sleepy this morning, but thankful that to a weekend where we can relax and enjoy good company. ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #borzoisofinstagram #floof #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #happydog #dogsofig #smilingdog #happiness #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog #snoot #length ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 6 Июл 2019 в 4:50 PDT




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Eris rolling her eyes at me while I try to capture the majesty of her wonderful snoot in a photograph. She was up pretty late last night and let us sleep in all the way to 9:00 this morning. 😮! What a lovely treat. ——————————————————— #borzoi #russianwolfhound #wolfhound #borzoisofinstagram #floof #dogsofinstagram #rva #sighthound #doggo #instadog #happydog #dogsofig #smilingdog #happiness #dogstagram #cute #ilovemydog #sillydog #longdog #snoot ———————————————————

Публикация от Eris The Borzoi (@eriszoi) 9 Июн 2019 в 6:56 PDT